What is the average monthly rent in Great Britain in 2024?
Struggling to decide if your rent is reasonable? We reveal the average monthly rent across Great Britain.
If you’re trying to find a good place to rent, determining whether your monthly rent is reasonable or expensive compared to similar properties can be difficult.
While the average rent in England is £1,310 per month, it can vary depending on where you choose to live. Other factors, such as local supply and demand, also play a role.
We reveal the average monthly rent for regions across Great Britain and the annual change in prices, according to data from Rightmove based on the second quarter of 2024.
What is the average monthly rent across Great Britain?
Region | Average monthly rent | Year-on-year change |
North East | £906 | 10.3% |
Yorkshire and Humber | £1,024 | 6.7% |
Wales | £1,059 | 4.1% |
Scotland | £1,078 | 7.9% |
North West | £1,146 | 7.8% |
East Midlands | £1,150 | 6.7% |
West Midlands | £1,183 | 9.3% |
South West | £1,418 | 5.8% |
East of England | £1,597 | 7% |
South East | £1,837 | 5.2% |
London | £2,661 | 3.7% |
As well as being the cheapest place to rent, the North East is also one of the cheapest areas to buy a property.
Average house prices in one area in the North East are just under £100,000, while average prices in Yorkshire and Humber are around £100,000 in some areas.
The South East and London are among the most expensive regions to rent, and this also applies to house prices.
The cheapest areas will set you back nearly £250,000 and almost £350,000, respectively.
What other factors should you consider when renting a property?
While the rent you pay is important, it’s also worth considering other factors when looking for a property.
For example, is your new home suitable for your loved ones, and is it easy (and affordable) to commute from?
It’s also worth factoring in that while some regions are more expensive, they may have higher wages and more career opportunities than other parts of the UK, helping to offset the high prices.
Need help getting on the property ladder?
If you’ve decided renting is no longer right for you and want to buy your own home, Unbiased can match you with a qualified mortgage broker who can find a competitive deal for your circumstances.