What is a Nest pension and is it any good?
Here’s what you need to know about the Nest pension scheme and the benefits of having one.
The National Employment Savings Trust (Nest) is the government workplace pension scheme used by many employers. Lots of businesses opt for Nest to help their employees build a pension fund, instead of setting up their own pension schemes.
Nest pensions work similar to other workplace pension scheme, with contributions both from you and from your employer, and tax relief on all the contributions you make.
If your employer offers Nest you’ll be enrolled automatically. You can opt out, but this usually isn’t advisable and must be done within your one month opt-out period.
If your employer offers Nest, you'll be automatically enrolled.
Both you and your employer contribute to your Nest pension.
Nest offers various funds, including ethical and low-risk options, tailored to different life stages.
Nest is government-backed, providing security, but you can choose higher-risk funds for potentially better returns.
What is a Nest pension?
The National Employment Savings Trust (Nest) is a workplace pension scheme set up by the government.
Any employer can use it, rather than setting up their own scheme, in order to fulfil their obligations to provide a workplace pension.
Self-employed people can also use the scheme if they’d like save for their retirement.
Nest is different from the state pension – it’s a government-backed workplace pension scheme, but the money comes from employers and employees paying in, and not from taxpayers.
How does a Nest pension work?
The Nest pension is a type of master trust that lots of employers can use.
It’s a defined contribution scheme, so you and your employers make contributions to a pot of money that gets invested to help it grow over time.
Your savings will be managed by trustees on your behalf, but your employer can still decide aspects including their own contributions, contribution limits, benefits and how your money is invested.
As with any defined contribution pension, you can access your Nest savings once you reach age 55.
When you retire, you can use the money saved in your Nest pension pot to take a regular income (drawdown) or buy an annuity, and you can also choose to take 25% of the pot as a tax-free lump sum.
When you reach the age of 75 you won't get tax relief on any contributions. By then you will need to have accessed your pension pot either via drawdown or by buying an annuity.
How much would I typically pay into a Nest pension?
Currently, the minimum you can pay into any pension scheme you’re enrolled in, including Nest, is 5% of your salary.
If you wish you can pay in more than this, up to the limits imposed by your annual allowance, whichever is lower.
Your employer will take your contributions after tax is paid, so you’ll need to calculate the amount you pay based on your net income.
You do, however, recoup that tax via pension tax relief.
How much will my employer pay into my Nest pension?
Your employer will pay at least 3% of your net salary into your Nest pension, making your total contributions 8% at minimum.
They may pay more, for example matching your contributions, or even exceeding them.
It depends on the employer and how keen they are to attract the best talent by offering an excellent pension.
What are the costs and charges of a Nest pension?
The Nest pension is free for employers, but employees have to pay some fees.
You’ll pay an annual management charge of 0.3% on your total pension pot each year, which covers the cost of running the fund and making investments.
In addition, you pay 1.8% on your contributions. So, if you contributed £100 a month, £98.20 would go into your fund (where it then would be boosted by 20% tax relief).
These fees are designed to pay off the government loan used to set up Nest.
How is my money invested in a Nest pension?
Your savings are pooled together with those of other members and invested in a range of assets, companies and industries.
You do have some options about your investment approach.
You can choose ethical and Sharia law compliant funds, as well as funds that are designed for different stages of life (e.g. if you are closer to retirement you may want lower-risk funds).
Lots of people opt for retirement date funds, which are invested and reinvested dynamically to generate the optimum and risk-balanced gains for your expected retirement date.
This option means you don’t have to keep thinking about whether your pension is in the right fund for your time of life.
What happens to my Nest pension when I move jobs?
What happens when you change employers depends on whether your new employer also uses Nest. If they do, they’ll simply enrol you back on to it and you just need to sign a form to confirm that you’re already a member.
If your new employer uses a different scheme, however, you could either keep your Nest account or move your pension pot out of it.
Whether or not it’s cost-effective to switch depends on aspects such as fees and the performance of the funds. Having said that, it often makes sense to consolidate all your pensions to make them easier to manage, but it’s worth getting financial advice beforehand.
What happens to my Nest pension when I die?
You can nominate a beneficiary, who will be given your pension when you die.
The pot will be paid to them tax free if you die before you’re 75, but they will be charged income tax on it if you die after age 75. Find out more about how pensions are inherited.
Is the Nest pension any good and are there any risks?
Broadly speaking, the Nest pension is a low-risk pension scheme. It’s backed by the government, which offers a level of security for savers and employers.
However, this doesn't necessarily mean the NEST pension is low-return.
Depending on what funds you'd like your pension to be invested in, you could take on different levels of investment risk that would, in turn, affect your returns.
On top of their standard Nest retirement fund, there are currently six different NEST funds to choose from, ranging from the lower growth fund to the higher growth fund.
If you'd like to take on more investment risk to boost your returns, you can do so; however, it is always a good idea to check with a dedicated financial adviser beforehand.
What are the alternatives to a Nest pension?
If your company has auto enrolled you into Nest but you’d prefer to save for retirement using another scheme, you could opt for a personal pension, self-invested personal pension (SIPP) or a stakeholder pension.
You could also use a different provider to save for your retirement.
A personal pension is a scheme that only you contribute to, and may offer you more control than a Nest pension, but you won’t get employer contributions.
If you want to decide how and where to invest your pot, you could opt for a SIPP and do the investing yourself (if you’re experienced) or use a fund manager.
The other alternative is a stakeholder pension, which is a defined contribution scheme that employers can offer and people can take out personally.
With stakeholder pensions, the amount you contribute is flexible, but you may not have as much choice over where your pot is invested.
Should I opt out of or cancel my Nest pension?
If you’re enrolled on a Nest pension through work, then opting out of the scheme might mean you lose out on contributions from your employer.
Before choosing a different pension, you should speak to your employer first to find out if they’d be happy to contribute to a personal scheme instead.
If the answer is no, you may be able to increase your contributions or open a personal pension alongside your workplace scheme.
Deciding what’s best for you depends on your circumstances, the schemes available to you, and your retirement goals.
Pensions are complex, so you should speak to a qualified financial adviser before touching your pot to make sure you’re not losing out by transferring your savings elsewhere.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a NEST pension?
It is government backed
Contribution flexibility
Tax relief on contributions
Limited choices of funds
Some restrictions on transfers
The pension contribution fee is expensive
How do I contact Nest pensions?
You can contact Nest pensions by telephoning 0300 020 0090.
For other ways to get in touch, including their help centre and live chat, you can visit their contact us page here.
Did you find this article useful? Then you might also find our article on alternatives to traditional pensions and our free pension guide informative, too!