Client’s View: The Perfect Pro
While not everyone will look for the same qualities, there are some common attributes potential clients seek out when choosing to work with a financial adviser.
With the majority (75%) of Unbiased enquiries coming from first-time financial advice seekers, it’s important to know what they expect.
Combining these attributes can help create an enjoyable experience and convert prospects into paying clients.
We spoke with several matched Unbiased users to find out what they look for in a financial professional.
Here is what we learned:
Speedy responses grab attention
Clients stated they were impressed by being contacted within an hour of being matched with an adviser.
Utilising the welcome message feature and ensuring you reach out by phone and email within this timeframe will set you up nicely with your prospect.
Consumers want some reassurance
Nerves before a prospect speaks with an adviser is common.
Advisers who provide some reassurance, whether it’s over the phone or email, or even as simple as reserving “a car parking space for your arrival,” go a long way in calming those initial nerves.
First impressions count
Matched clients commented that their adviser “wasn’t aloof.”
“Professional,” “friendly,” “understanding,” and “approachable” are all common positive attributes that can give you a competitive advantage.
Listening is more important than selling
Listening is the most important thing you can do during your first call and meeting.
Clients praised professionals who made them feel “understood” and “valued” instead of overloading them with information and going for the hard sell.
Clear communication is key
What differentiates a great professional from a good one is their communication style.
“Explaining everything excellently” and being “clear in what was proposed” had the warmest reception, with clients being impressed by simple language, concrete examples, and everyday terminology.
It’s important to take the pressure off
Clients don’t want to be pressured into choosing one option over another.
The best professionals were praised for answering further queries without the client needing to employ them and remaining contactable.
Don’t be afraid to upsell once you’ve built a relationship
Converted clients enjoyed being made aware of other advice areas.
Once you’ve built a relationship or converted a client, you can help them know how you can help in other areas of their financial life.
One client lauded their professional, who was “helpful in teasing out areas you may not have thought about.”
Turning your leads into long-term business with Unbiased
We know advisers aren’t mind-readers. That’s why we’re committed to providing you with the inside information you need to get ahead.
By understanding what your leads are looking for, you can implement tactics and strategies that will help you convert even more of your enquiries.