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A Client-Winning Welcome Programme

2 mins read
by Oliver Broadhurst
Last updated Friday, March 12, 2021

Maximise your efficiency and conversion with a repeatable client contact programme

Client conversion isn’t always an instant win.

Our professionals often report clients converting months after initial contact - so a strategy that nurtures prospects from their enquiry submission to final onboarding is vital.

Maximise your business efficiency with this welcome programme which optimises the entire pre-conversion process.


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Create Your Welcome Email

Rather than writing a new welcome email for each client, take time to craft a template that’s perfect and repeatable.

New clients are often more nervous than they let on, so reassure them that you’re aware of their needs and will guide them through the process.

An important aspect to consider is the subject line. How can you break down the first barrier to client engagement in five to eight words?

Personalisation is an effective strategy. For example, ‘thank you [name] for your Unbiased enquiry’ speaks to them directly, lets them know how you got their details, and provides warmth.

Be sure not to overload them with information early on. Keeping your email’s content short and using headers is important, as they may only skim read at this early stage.

Suggest arranging a phone call to discuss details in more depth, and offer to send them your advice roadmap.


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Display Your Advice Roadmap

An advice roadmap should give an overview of what receiving your advice entails - engaging new clients with your process and keeping them within your funnel.

It should prepare clients by signposting each step and stating what information they’ll need with them. Don’t request anything too complicated here, such as documents they may not have to hand, as this could be off-putting.

The focus here is to make them feel that receiving advice will be simple, that you’ve got everything under control, and that you’re keeping them in the know along the way.

You can either use a template that can be easily updated each time, or create a roadmap that’s open enough to use repeatably. And even if you haven’t heard back from a client after first contact, it still pays to send one.


Implement a Nurturing Programme

Clients may not convert straight away, so a nurturing programme that includes follow-up emails and scheduled calls is vital.

If you struggle to contact a new client, send friendly reminders which show you understand their situation and demonstrate your ability help them when they’re ready.

Be sure not to pressurise here. Having a prospect list is a great way to build a pipeline of regular new clients, so your scheduled reminders should keep clients within your funnel through gentle engagement - rather than act as trigger for immediate conversion.

This strategy is employed by our professional Susan Hill, who has repeatedly converted clients up to six months after their enquiry.

Once you’ve covered initial contact from the first email to the final follow-up, your welcome programme will boost your conversion while removing the effort of creating new communications for every client.

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Oliver Broadhurst
Oliver has been writing professionally in the financial services space for over five years, focusing on topics ranging from customer experience to industry regulation. He’s consulted with organisations such as UK Finance and the FCA to produce business articles, industry reports, and white papers, while providing insight as a member of panels including The Opening Banking Implementation Entity’s Consumer Group.