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What are the accounting predictions for 2024?

5 mins read
by Unbiased Team
Last updated Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Looking to the future, we know the accounting profession will be more tech-savvy, sustainable, and client-focused than ever before while ensuring sensitive data remains protected through increased cyber security.


  • Accountants wishing to stay relevant must adopt and update technological advancements often, as this will help speed up and improve service accuracy.

  • Sustainable accounting is on the rise, meaning accountants must ensure they remain updated on regulatory changes.

  • Client retention for accounting firms remains essential in the competitive landscape where technology can replace labour.

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Accounting predictions for 2024 and beyond

In 2024, technology will continue to shape accounting, with tools like blockchain gaining traction for its ability to enhance security and transparency in financial processes. Sustainable accounting will also continue to grow as businesses emphasise environmental and social responsibility. 

Client retention remains critical for UK accountants, so it's crucial to focus on providing personalised services and using technology to make processes more efficient, user-friendly, and secure.

What does the development of technology in accounting look like?

As accounting technology evolves, you can anticipate exciting opportunities intermingled with some challenges. For instance, recent developments in accounting involve the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine-learning technology to automate repetitive tasks, detect anomalies in financial data, and offer strategic decision support.

As such, these advancements in technology in accounting promise to streamline processes, enhance security, and help accountants offer valuable advisory services to clients. However, alongside these advantages are risks that need considering:

  • Increased reliance on technology could lead to job displacement for those performing routine accounting tasks.

  • Robust cybersecurity needs and measures will be paramount when handling sensitive data in digital environments.

  • The ethical usage of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms remains concerning, especially regarding biases in decision-making processes. 

Accounting professionals should, therefore, adopt a proactive approach when adapting to inevitable technological trends and advancements in the financial sector. This will entail prioritising ongoing education and upskilling to harness technology's potential while mitigating potential drawbacks. By leveraging innovative tools, you can enhance your clients' experience and stay relevant in your domain.

What will the rise of blockchain in accounting mean for the industry?

Blockchain enjoys prominent growth in the accounting industry but also brings advantages and potential risks. Let's look at blockchain in accounting’s advantages for in 2024:

  • Unparalleled transparency and security: Blockchain technology revolutionises recording and verifying transactions.

  • Data integrity: Its immutable nature ensures data integrity, reducing the risk of fraudulent activity and errors.

  • Enhanced efficiency: Blockchain streamlines processes, which helps reduce business costs.

As with any emerging technology, integrating blockchain technology into existing accounting systems is expected to bring risks and challenges. There are also concerns about regulatory compliance and data privacy that require careful consideration and handling.

Is sustainable accounting on the rise?

Sustainable accounting integrates environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into financial reporting. As sustainable accounting gains momentum, UK accountants will witness a transformative shift towards environmental and social responsibility in 2024 under the watchful eye of the Sustainability Accountability Standards Board (SASB).

The advantages of incorporating ESG into accounting include improved risk management, enhanced brand reputation, and access to a growing pool of socially- and environmentally-conscious investors.

However, adopting sustainable accounting in your practice has its risks. Here are a few:

  • Data requirements: Implementing sustainable accounting practices requires significant data collection and reporting frameworks.

  • Staff training: Staff education should include remaining up-to-date and applying regulatory changes.

  • Measurement and performance tracking: Measuring and reporting ESG performance could be tricky as standards and regulations continue to evolve.

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How do you keep client retention for accounting firms?

For accountants, client retention is not only about maintaining revenue streams; it also includes fostering client trust and loyalty through excellent service. Building strong client relationships remains crucial for enhancing customer satisfaction and encouraging repeat business. 

The following soft skills allow you to create a positive client experience, strengthen client loyalty, and differentiate your firm in a competitive market:

  • Effective communication skills: Transparent and effective communication helps ensure a clear understanding of customer requirements and expectations.

  • Emotional intelligence: Cultivating emotional intelligence enables accountants to empathise with clients, address concerns promptly, and build rapport based on mutual respect and understanding.

How will the relationship between cybersecurity and accounting look?

Parallel to the developments in accounting technology is the need for improved cybersecurity—especially as Statista reports that in 2023 in the UK, the annual estimated cost of cybercrime was roughly 253 billion pounds (US$320 billion). As cybercriminals are always looking for ways to access sensitive information,  safeguarding sensitive financial data from cyber attacks and breaches is critically important.

Accounting firms must acknowledge the devastating consequences of cybersecurity breaches and scams. These include financial losses, reputational damage, and legal liabilities. To avoid this, it's best to invest in robust cybersecurity measures to protect your clients' confidential information, maintain regulatory compliance, and uphold trust and integrity in financial reporting. 

Accountants should stay vigilant, continuously update cybersecurity and accounting protocols,  implement encryption technologies, and conduct regular audits to identify vulnerabilities in their software and systems.

What does the future of accounting look like?

The future of accounting holds exciting possibilities shaped by technological advancements, evolving client expectations, and regulatory changes. For starters, you can expect the continued integration of automation and AI to streamline tasks and enable you to focus on more strategic advisory services.

Sustainable accounting will likely become standard practice as businesses promote environmental and social responsibility. Additionally, client-centric approaches will drive most firms to up their personalised services and communication channels while delivering tailored insights according to their client's unique needs.

The prevalence of remote and hybrid work and digital transformation will also reshape traditional office setups, fostering a more flexible and collaborative working environment. Cybersecurity should remain a priority, prompting firms to invest in robust measures to safeguard sensitive financial data from evolving threats.

Want to work with Unbiased?

Looking at accounting trends in 2024, we see that critical trends shaping accounting will include technological advancements, sustainable practices, and cybersecurity concerns. Accountants should be open to adopting these changes while enhancing soft skills like communication and emotional intelligence to foster client loyalty.

By joining Unbiased Pro, you can stay updated on industry insights, network with peers, and access resources to navigate impending changes to accounting practices in the UK successfully. 

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Our team of writers have decades of experience writing about B2B finance, including the latest information and trends related to financial, mortgage and accountancy advice firms.