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15 effective marketing strategies for accountants

6 mins read
by Nick Green
Last updated Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Learn how to strategically apply 15 great marketing strategies for accountants to strengthen your firm's market position, attract new clients, and drive sustainable growth.


  • A game plan with clear goals and steps ensures efficient marketing.

  • Consistent branding helps accountants stand out in a crowded market.

  • Blogs, videos, and other content showcase expertise and attract clients.

  • Optimising keywords increases website traffic and inquiries.

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15 top marketing strategies

If you want to elevate your accounting practice, you need to implement effective marketing strategies for accounting firms that attract and engage your target audience. Use these 15 strategies to gain a competitive edge. 

1) Make a game plan

Creating a game plan is essential for successful marketing. It sets clear objectives, identifies the target audience, and allocates resources effectively. Without a plan, marketing efforts can become disjointed and inefficient, wasting both time and money.

Setting goals like increasing the firm’s client base by 20% within a year and creating a step-by-step plan to achieve this helps track progress and adjust tactics. This approach is one of the key marketing strategies for accountants aiming to expand their client base.

2) Build your brand identity

A strong brand identity helps accountants stand out in a crowded market. A clear, consistent brand communicates professionalism and reliability, crucial qualities for attracting clients.

A firm branding itself as the go-to expert for high-net-worth individuals can use a sophisticated logo, professional colour scheme, and high-quality content to create a memorable and trustworthy brand. 

3) Utilise outbound marketing

Outbound marketing, including cold calling, direct mail, and email campaigns, is powerful for reaching potential clients directly. This strategy is impactful because it proactively puts your services in front of your target audience.

A firm could send personalised emails to local businesses introducing their services. Following up with a phone call further engages potential clients, answers questions, and sets up meetings. 

4) Create relevant content

Creating relevant content for accountants is key for engaging potential clients and establishing your firm as an industry authority. This includes blogs, case studies, whitepapers, and videos.

A blog focused on financial tips for small business owners attracts visitors and demonstrates expertise. Regularly publishing articles that address common challenges faced by the target audience engages readers. Creating blog content for accountants helps demonstrate deep industry knowledge and attracts a dedicated audience.

5) Master Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Mastering SEO ensures that your firm appears at the top of search engine results when potential clients look for accounting services. This strategy is impactful because higher visibility leads to increased website traffic and more inquiries.

Optimise your website by including relevant keywords like "tax planning for small businesses" throughout site content, meta descriptions, and blog posts. Focusing on local SEO helps attract clients in the geographic area by using keywords like "accounting services in London." 

6) Use digital marketing tools

Digital marketing tools, such as Google Ads and social media advertising, allow accountants to target specific demographics and track the effectiveness of their campaigns. This strategy provides measurable results and a high return on investment. Leveraging social media marketing for accountants can significantly increase your online presence.

Using Google Ads to target keywords related to your services ensures ads appear when potential clients search for those terms. Additionally, using social media platforms like LinkedIn to run ads targeted at business owners and professionals can drive traffic to your website. 

7) Make the most of social media

Social media platforms offer an excellent opportunity to connect with your audience, share valuable content, and build relationships. This strategy increases visibility and fosters engagement with potential clients.

An accountant using LinkedIn to share articles, industry news, and financial tips can position themselves as thought leaders. Engaging with followers through comments and discussions builds a loyal following. Sharing client testimonials and success stories also enhances credibility and attracts new clients by showcasing proven results. This demonstrates the power of social media for accountants.

8) Start networking

Networking remains a cornerstone among the marketing strategies for accounting firms. Networking is essential to build relationships, gain referrals, and stay informed about industry trends. This strategy is impactful because personal connections often lead to business opportunities.

Joining local business associations or attending industry conferences and events helps meet potential clients and partners. Actively participating in these events and following up with new contacts strengthens these relationships. 

9) Client referrals

Encouraging client referrals leverages the satisfaction of existing clients to attract new ones. This strategy is impactful because people trust recommendations from their peers more than advertisements.

Implementing a referral program with incentives such as discounts on future services or gift cards can create a steady stream of new clients. 

10) Get involved by sponsoring events

Sponsoring events increases visibility and demonstrates a firm's commitment to the community or industry. This strategy enhances brand recognition and generates positive publicity.

A small accounting firm might sponsor a local charity run or business seminar. Larger firms might consider sponsoring industry conferences or high-profile events. By having their name and logo prominently displayed, they increase exposure to potential clients who attend. 

11) Provide free resources

Providing free resources positions an accounting firm as helpful and knowledgeable, attracting potential clients who appreciate the value offered. This strategy builds trust and showcases expertise.

Offering downloadable tax preparation checklists, financial planning guides, or links to useful websites like HMRC attracts visitors looking for assistance. 

12) Public speaking

Public speaking engagements allow accountants to share their expertise with a broader audience and establish themselves as industry leaders. This strategy builds credibility and expands reach.

Speaking at local business networking events, industry conferences, or educational seminars on topics like tax planning, financial management, or business growth strategies demonstrates expertise to potential clients, which often leads to follow-up inquiries.

13) Produce a consistent newsletter

A consistent newsletter keeps a firm top-of-mind with clients and prospects, providing valuable insights and updates. This strategy maintains regular contact and reinforces expertise.

Sending a monthly newsletter featuring articles on financial tips, regulatory updates, and company news highlights successes and builds credibility. Including case studies and client testimonials enhances trust. 

14) Apply for awards

Applying for industry awards enhances a firm's reputation and differentiates it from competitors. Awards provide recognition and validate excellence.

Applying for awards like "Best Accounting Firm for Small Businesses" or "Top Financial Adviser" can boost credibility and attractiveness to potential clients. Winning or being shortlisted can be showcased on the firm's website, social media, and marketing materials.

15) Provide exceptional customer service

Delivering exceptional customer service ensures client satisfaction and fosters loyalty, leading to repeat business and referrals. Happy clients are more likely to recommend the firm.

Achieve this by promptly responding to inquiries, providing personalised services, and resolving issues effectively. Offering proactive advice and regular check-ins shows clients that the firm genuinely cares about their financial well-being. Satisfied clients become advocates, helping to attract new business through word-of-mouth.

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Implementing these 15 marketing strategies for accountants can significantly enhance your outreach and client base. From leveraging social media marketing for accountants to creating engaging blog content for accountants, each tactic plays a vital role. Mastering these approaches will ensure your firm not only stands out but also continues to grow and succeed in a competitive market.

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Nick Green
Nick Green is a financial journalist writing for, the site that has helped over 10 million people find financial, business and legal advice. Nick has been writing professionally on money and business topics for over 15 years, and has previously written for leading accountancy firms PKF and BDO.