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What are the top 13 marketing strategies for financial advisers?

6 mins read
by Nick Green
Last updated Thursday, January 27, 2022

These are the most effective financial marketing strategies that financial advisers can start implementing to expand their audience and achieve long-term growth.


  • The right marketing strategies for financial services help to achieve long-term success and growth.

  • Establishing a niche and finding a target audience is vital to long-term viability.

  • Marketing tools like email and LinkedIn, combined with engaging content, will boost audience growth.

  • Utilising technologies will help you streamline your strategies, saving money and time.

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13 best financial adviser marketing strategies

If you are looking for financial marketing strategies, these 13 are an excellent starting point for every financial adviser.

1) Get your strategy in place

A well-crafted financial marketing strategy is essential to achieving success. It acts as a guiding framework, aligning all marketing activities towards specific goals and target audiences.

Defining clear marketing objectives is equally crucial. Whether you're increasing brand awareness or generating leads, knowing your desired outcomes helps you choose the right channels and tactics. A well-executed marketing strategy can significantly enhance your brand's visibility, attract higher-quality leads, and ultimately increase revenue.

2) Establish a target audience

Understanding your target audience is key to marketing success. Start by analysing your existing clients and identifying commonalities in their demographics, goals, and preferences. Then, conduct market research using surveys or interviews to understand the broader needs and aspirations of potential clients.

By focusing your financial adviser marketing strategy on your ideal clients, your marketing messages become more relevant and engaging. This attracts the right people, establishes you as a trusted adviser, and ultimately leads to higher-quality leads, increased conversions, and a thriving practice filled with clients who value your expertise.

3) Perfect your branding

In the competitive financial services industry, a well-defined brand is your key differentiator. It guides your marketing, creating a lasting impression on potential clients and fostering trust and loyalty.

Perfecting your brand starts with clarifying your core values, mission, and unique strengths. This forms the foundation of your brand identity, which should be reflected in a visually appealing and memorable brand image. A strong brand not only attracts clients but also builds trust, leading to higher conversion rates.

4) Create unique and enticing content

In today's crowded market, financial advisers need to differentiate themselves with unique and engaging content. By weaving in personal experiences and interactive elements, advisers can connect with potential clients on a deeper level, establishing themselves as experts and building trust, making for an effective marketing strategy for financial services.

Creating such content requires a blend of creativity, expertise, and understanding of your target audience. Experiment with diverse formats like blogs, videos, and podcasts to cater to various preferences. The benefits of investing in high-quality content are substantial: increased visibility, a loyal audience, and a reputation as a thought leader.

5) Get exposure on social media

Social media is a vital tool for financial advisers to enhance their marketing. It enables direct connection with potential clients, building brand awareness and credibility. Utilise platforms to share insightful content, engage in conversations, and leverage paid advertising to reach a wider, targeted audience.

This social media strategy for financial advisers can lead to increased visibility, inbound leads, and social proof through testimonials. Engaging with your audience fosters trust, leading to increased client acquisition and stronger relationships.

6) Improve your website quality

Your website is your virtual storefront, the first impression for many potential clients. A high-quality site is essential for financial advisers, reflecting professionalism, building trust, and attracting more clients.

Improving your website involves enhancing its visual appeal, user experience, and content. Ensure it aligns with your brand, is easy to navigate, and is mobile-friendly. A well-optimised website boosts online visibility, establishes credibility, and brings in high-quality leads.

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7) Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is crucial for financial advisers to enhance their online visibility. By optimising websites and content for search engines like Google, advisers can rank higher in search results, attracting more potential clients organically. This involves using relevant keywords, creating high-quality content, building backlinks, and ensuring a user-friendly website. 

Effective SEO increases website traffic, generates more qualified leads, and establishes credibility within the financial industry.

8) Invest and make the most of marketing tools

Financial advisers need to harness the power of marketing tools to stay competitive. These tools streamline processes, automate tasks, and provide valuable insights into customer behaviour. Consider tools like SEMrush for SEO analysis or HubSpot for CRM and campaign automation.

Marketing tools automate repetitive tasks, freeing up time for client relationships and strategic initiatives. They also track ROI, ensuring your marketing efforts yield results.

9) Establish your niche

In the crowded financial services landscape, establishing a niche is a strategic move that can significantly enhance the success of any financial adviser marketing strategy you decide to pursue.

To establish your niche, begin by identifying your areas of expertise and passion. Consider factors like demographics, industry, or specific financial needs. Establishing a niche is about finding your sweet spot in the market, where your skills and passion align with the needs of a specific clientele.

10) Networking

Networking is one of the most powerful financial adviser marketing strategies you can employ to expand your reach and enhance marketing. Online platforms like LinkedIn offer a vast network of professionals and opportunities to connect with your target audience. In-person events, such as industry conferences and local networking groups, provide valuable face-to-face interactions, fostering deeper connections and knowledge exchange.

Networking offers numerous benefits. It expands your reach, increasing referrals from trusted sources. It keeps you informed about industry trends and opens doors to new opportunities and collaborations.

11) Email marketing

In the digital age, email marketing remains a potent tool for financial advisers seeking to nurture client relationships and drive engagement. Effective email marketing is about segmenting your audience based on their interests and needs, crafting compelling subject lines, and providing valuable content that resonates with your readers.

Email marketing can also be a powerful tool for re-engaging dormant clients, promoting new services, and driving referrals.

12) Optimise practices with technology

In today's digital world, optimising marketing practices with technology is crucial for a successful financial marketing strategy. By automating tasks like client management and email campaigns, you free up time for strategic initiatives. Analytics tools provide valuable insights into customer behaviour, allowing for data-driven decision-making and refined messaging.

Embracing technology leads to greater efficiency, better decision-making, and personalised communication. It expands your reach through various digital channels, ultimately enhancing marketing effectiveness and driving growth.

13) Make the most of lead gen platforms

Lead generation platforms are essential for financial advisers seeking to attract potential clients efficiently. These platforms centralise lead collection and management, integrating with various marketing channels to capture leads from multiple sources.

To maximise these platforms, choose one aligned with your needs and goals, optimise lead capture forms, and regularly analyse data to refine your approach. This streamlined process increases the volume of qualified leads, improves conversion rates, and provides valuable insights to optimise your financial marketing strategies.

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Combining and implementing a mix of these financial marketing strategies will help you grow your brand and establish a loyal audience while also making your marketing processes more labour and cost-effective. Whether you’re part of an established firm or looking for an independent financial adviser marketing strategy for your own use, these 13 strategies will put you ahead of the competition.

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Nick Green
Nick Green is a financial journalist writing for, the site that has helped over 10 million people find financial, business and legal advice. Nick has been writing professionally on money and business topics for over 15 years, and has previously written for leading accountancy firms PKF and BDO.