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SIPP vs ISA: which one should you choose?

6 mins read
by Unbiased Team
Last updated Friday, May 3, 2024

Struggling to decide between a self-invested personal pension (SIPP) and an individual savings account (ISA)? This article will explore how they work and the pros and cons.

SIPPs and ISAs are self-managed investment and savings accounts that allow you to save for retirement tax-free - find out which is best for you.


  • SIPPs are ideal for longer-term financial goals like retirement and allow you to manage your own investments.

  • ISAs are better suited for tax-efficient investments for medium to long-term financial goals.

  • It is possible to have a SIPP and an ISA, but this may have tax implications.

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What is a self-invested personal pension (SIPP)?

A self-invested personal pension (SIPP) is a pension that gives people greater control over their investments.

Unlike traditional pension schemes in the UK, a SIPP allows investors to select and manage various investments, including stocks, bonds, and commercial property.

The flexibility of a SIPP suits people who prefer a more hands-on approach to their retirement savings.

They are ideal for investors who understand financial markets and want to tailor their pension portfolios to their financial goals.

However, SIPPs involve taking more risk, so anyone thinking of opening one should consider their investment knowledge and risk tolerance before opening an account.

What is an individual savings account (ISA)?

An individual savings account (ISA) is a tax-efficient investment and savings account.

There are various types of ISAs, including stocks and shares and cash ISAs.

The biggest benefit of ISAs is that any capital gains generated in the account are tax-free, providing an efficient way for people to grow their savings.

ISAs suit people looking to save money while minimising their tax liabilities.

They are popular among those who want to build a tax-efficient nest egg for various goals, whether it’s buying a home, funding education, or preparing for retirement.

What are the pros and cons of a SIPP?

SIPPs and ISAs differ in a few ways, especially regarding their pros and cons.

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of SIPPs first.

The pros of SIPPs

Below are three pros of SIPPs.

  • Investment flexibility: A significant advantage of a SIPP is its high flexibility, allowing people to tailor their investment portfolio. Investors have a wide range of assets to choose from, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and commercial property.

  • Tax efficiency: SIPP tax benefits can boost your savings growth, especially as investment gains are typically tax-free. Additionally, SIPP contributions are eligible for tax relief.

  • Control and autonomy: SIPPs give people greater control over their pension funds, unlike traditional pension plans, where pension trustees make investment decisions. 

The cons of SIPPs

Below are the main cons of SIPPs.

  • Investment risk: While the flexibility of a SIPP offers more investment choices, it also exposes investors to higher risk.

  • Complexity and responsibility: Managing a SIPP requires increased financial literacy and investment knowledge, and all responsibility for making informed decisions falls on you.

  • Fees and costs: SIPP fees typically include setup fees, annual administration charges, and transaction costs for buying and selling investments. 

What are the pros and cons of an ISA?

Now that we have a brief understanding of the pros and cons of SIPPs, let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of ISAs.

The pros of ISAs

Below are the main pros of ISAs.

  • Tax efficiency: Any income generated within an ISA, whether from interest, dividends, or capital gains, is typically tax-free. This tax benefit can significantly enhance the overall returns on investments held within an ISA.

  • Flexibility of use: Different types of ISAs cater to different investment preferences, such as cash ISAs, stocks and shares ISAs, and innovative finance ISAs. This flexibility allows you to tailor your ISA portfolio to align with your risk tolerances, financial goals, and investment preferences.

  • Fund accessibility: Unlike some long-term savings and investment products, funds held in an ISA are typically accessible at any time without incurring penalties, making them suitable options for short and long-term financial goals.

The cons of ISAs

Next are the main disadvantages of ISAs.

  • Contribution limits: The government sets annual contribution limits for ISAs, so individuals with larger sums cannot fully use its tax advantages. People who exceed the annual contribution limit may have to find alternative savings or investment vehicles, thereby missing out on ISA tax benefits.

  • Interest rate and inflation risk: A drawback of cash ISAs is that the interest rates on offer may not keep pace with inflation, potentially decreasing the real purchasing power of your money over time. 

  • Market risks for stocks and shares ISAs: Fluctuating market conditions can affect the value of these ISAs, increasing the risk of losses. 

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What are the differences between a SIPP and an ISA?

While SIPPs and ISAs are ways to save for retirement with less tax implications, they differ in a few ways.

Below are some key differences between ISAs and SIPPs.

  • Purpose: SIPPs are retirement savings locked until retirement age that offer tax advantages. ISAs are versatile investment or savings accounts for various financial goals, including retirement.

  • Tax treatment: SIPP contributions get tax relief upfront, but withdrawals are taxed. ISAs don't have tax relief, but income and gains are tax-free.

  • Fund accessibility: SIPP funds are inaccessible until the age of 55 (rising to 57 in 2028), while ISA funds are accessible anytime, usually without penalties, making them more flexible for short and long-term goals.

  • Investment options: SIPPs offer more investment options, while ISAs have limitations. For example, cash ISAs are ideal for conservative savers, while stocks and shares ISAs are more suitable for higher returns.

  • Contribution limits: SIPPs have an annual contribution allowance for tax relief, while the lifetime limit has been recently abolished and replaced with three different allowances. ISAs have a yearly contribution limit not linked to tax relief, which covers different ISA types.

SIPP vs ISA: Which one is right for you?

Your choice of investment or savings depends on your financial situation and end goal such as retirement or a long-term investment.

Here are two scenarios that might help you decide which is suitable for you.

SIPP investment scenario

John, a financially literate 35-year-old professional, opts for a SIPP to take control of his retirement savings. He builds a diverse SIPP portfolio, including equities, bonds, and commercial property and actively manages his portfolio for potentially higher returns.

As John nears retirement, he plans to shift his SIPP investments to a more conservative allocation. Between his proactive management and tax-efficient growth in the SIPP, John positions himself for a well-funded and flexible retirement plan aligned with his financial goals.

ISA investment scenario

Emily, a 28-year-old professional, opened an ISA to build a flexible savings plan for various life goals. She allocates a portion of her income to her ISA and opts for a diversified approach, including a mix of cash savings, stocks, and shares.

The tax efficiency and flexibility of the ISA to withdraw funds without penalties make it a suitable option for Emily. She regularly monitors and adjusts her portfolio based on her financial priorities, providing a flexible savings strategy that aligns with her lifestyle and objectives.

Can you have a SIPP and an ISA?

It's entirely possible to have a SIPP and an ISA simultaneously.

Still, it is best to do your research before making a decision.

Many people choose a dual, diversified approach to retirement and general savings to benefit from the advantages of each account. 

It's essential to remember that tax rules and regulations can change, so people should seek advice from a financial professional to ensure their strategy aligns with their goals and circumstances.

Want to learn more about savings and pensions?

SIPPs and ISAs offer people the freedom to manage their portfolios and tax-free growth, which can boost overall retirement savings.

Still, they differ in their flexibility, terms, and withdrawal criteria.

Let Unbiased match you with a financial adviser for expert financial advice on managing your pensions and savings.

An adviser can help you decide which option or combination is best for your financial goals, both in the short and long term.

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